Committee Members & Fellows
Our Fellows come from different backgrounds, disciplines, and countries. Their mission is to help societies better embrace the challenges of the digital era.
Tinglong Dai

Education: Ph.D. in Industrial Administration, Operations Management/Robotics, Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University, 2013.

Current Affiliations:Bernard T. Ferrari Professor of Business, Carey Business School, Johns Hopkins University. Founding member, Leadership Teamof theHopkins Business of Health Initiative (HBHI). Co-chair, Johns Hopkins Workgroup on AI and Healthcare. Also affiliated with Institute for Data-Intensive Engineering and Science (IDIES), Center for Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence (CDHAI), andSchool of Nursing at the Johns Hopkins University.

Selected Honors:

· Featured in "2024 AI and Data Science Year In Review" by American Medical Informatics Association Summit.
· The World's Best 40 Under 40 MBA Professors, Poets & Quants, 2021.

Research Field

· Healthcare Analytics

· Human-AI Interaction

· Global Supply Chains

· Marketing-Operations Interfaces

Engagment Highlights
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